This issue is important. Very, very important. Why, you ask? Because this is the very first DC comic I have ever bought. *Fun shout out to a fan - TheCBGuy was surprised too.
I have said it before, Marvel and DC have too much background for a later in life comic reader. I tend to stick to series that I can embrace without reading 20+ years of work. I'm not saying that it's bad, just way too overwhelming for me. What ultimately drove me to buy this was my childhood. Batman Beyond was one of my favorite cartoons. If I was going to date an animated fictional character, it would be Terry. I still listen to the soundtrack, and I've got the series box set on my Amazon Wish List. So when I saw this on the Previews upcoming releases list, I was *mildly excited* to say the least.
I was somewhat pleased with the start of this new series. The writer, Adam Beechen, gave a decent intro to this world and in the first few pages, introduced us to many of the key and new characters. In this is a 3-issue arch, we get a brand new villain rather than an old standard character. This villain also doesn't really want to be a villain, so I'm not sure where this will go. I am hopeful that we will get some of the villains I remember from the past. The addition of the futuristic Justice League kinda threw me. I really wanted to read about Terry and Bruce's fight, not all of these other heroes. Hopefully, the next arch gives me some of the things I remember from the series.
The art is spot-on to what I remember of the show. Ryan Benjamin & John Stanisci are splitting the work. I feel that they really captured what the story was and brought that to the book. I am torn by the cover. It is nice and pretty but at the same time, kinda boring.
I still have to read the small Batman Beyond series that came out prior to this one but I will continue to read this. I am hopeful that it will turn into one of my favorite comics, and it has given me a chance to break into the DC Universe. The best thing this book did was make me want to rewatch the original show.