Thursday, March 31, 2011

Review: Kick-Ass 2 #2

So, after six months of endless waiting, the second issue of Kick-Ass 2 has arrived! I have to say it, waiting sucks and if I have to wait six months for every issue, I'm gonna be pissed. Mr. Millar, in every issue you print, you list loyal comic book shops and talk about how grateful you are for their support. How about some gratitude to the loyal readers?! I'm still waiting on new issues of Superior too! C'mon, just give me issues close enough together so I don't forget completely about what's going on!

For those of you who have no clue what happened in Kick-Ass 2 Issue 1, check out my review here.

This post is SPOILER-FILLED so if you are allergic to spoilers,
go read another tasty article on [insertgeekhere].

Kick-Ass 2 #2 continues to gives us insight into the superhero group that Dave wants to join. He even knows one of the members from his high school. The organizers are former mafia and they pick the group's first target, a mafia leader. They have a decent fight scene and the book ends with the leader, Colonel Stripes, saying to the mafia guy, "We have to talk".

We get very little info about Hit-Girl, only learning that she is still banned from seeing Dave. We also hear about Red Mist and the army he is building to destroy the city.

This issue felt kind of slow story-wise. There is a lot of building towards a big climax but the fight scene at the end just doesn't do it for me. I do realize that the story is developing for issues down the road, and I am excited to see where it leads. Despite my feelings of the story, I loved the art. Romita really hit it out of the park, especially during the fight scene. I also like all of the cheesy details he brought to the other group members. It seems realistic that they would look cheesy to play superheroes.

I would recommend this issue if you are already a Kick-Ass fan. If not, you may want to wait for another six months and see what I say about issue 3.

This review is dedicated to Ted, who is the biggest Kick-Ass fan I know.

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wonder Woman's New Look - Yay or Nay?

The network heard the cries of the fans and decided to alter the look of the Wonder Woman outfit for the television series... you'd think we'd be happy they listened to us and took our criticisms seriously. Well, we would be if NBC had not given us this:

It's great that the boots are now the original red, as they should be, and they also are sporting a lower heel, making running easier, but the shape of the boots is horrible. They remind me of rain boots.

And the pants? Ugh! One of the biggest complaints was how shiny they were. Okay, again, it's great that this was taken into account, but did they need to make them look like they are made from the cheapest spandex/polyester blend available? And what's up with the row of stars? Is it to make her look more patriotic, is it decorative or did they just have some extra stars laying around in the costume design area and decided to play around with them? 

I honestly don't know which is better? This or the original. I understand it is difficult to design something that is realistic as well as fantastical while keeping its iconic feel, but surely, the design team has access to better materials. If not, then a) they should be given a bigger budget and b) I'm a little worried about the show because the outfit is very important for Wonder Woman. She's Wonder Woman, for pete's sake! Let's do her justice!

To see more pictures, head over to The Daily Blam.

What do you guys think? Better or worse?

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Midtown Comics Book Club: Guerillas Vol. 1 with creator Brahm Revel!!

This past Friday, I attended Midtown Comics Book Club. This month's book was Guerillas by Brahm Revel. If you haven't read Guerillas yet, it is a war story, following a young private as he learns to deal with war and becomes a man. Oh, and his entire platoon is chimps.

I was lucky enough to meet Brahm Revel at the book club. This discussion was expertly moderated by Midtown Comic staples Thor Parker and Zoe Gulliksen. Revel jumped right in answering a lot of questions about the book. As he tells it, the original idea came when he was watching a war movie. The troops walking reminded him of monkeys walking. Guerillas was born, although only much later in process did he add the title. Revel did say he had gone through a lot of bad titles before settling on Guerillas but refused to tell us what they were.

In the series, the hook keeps the apes out until the very end of issue 1. Revel did this purposely, because he wanted the first issue to look like a traditional war comic. He hoped to give a satisfiying hook for readers while making sure to develop his characters. My favorite part is when he develops John Francis Clayton, the human private of the tale, as a character. He did it to get Vietnam and Clayton out of the way in first issue. He wanted to make sure that the reader was up-to-date before the chimps arrive. As the book continues, we get to see Clayton grow up as he deals with his father issues. In a way, Goliath becomes his father figure.

Zoe asked him about the major themes of the book. Revel kept coming back to this question every few minutes, when the discussion brought up a new theme. One of the themes includes seeing the journey for someone not built for war become capable for that world. While some boys "go to war to become a man", this book explores the irony of Clayton learning to be a man in war from chimps. A theme for the chimps' story is Instinct vs Training. No matter what the chimps are taught, they still go by instinct and that is why Clayton is alive.

The most interesting thing I learned was Revel based all of the chimp names on Jane Goodall's chimps from her research. The names were not based on chimps' personalities, they were just used as markers. Revel used the exact names except for one. The only change was Mr. Worzel to Dr. Worzel for the story's flow.

I had only read the book as a novel, so I was interested to learn that originally it was an Image series, with each book chapter as an issue. Revel chose to keep his rights when he went to Image, which also gave him some freedom. He realized that he may have hurt himself by only going to Image at first. However, Oni showed interest when he was at Image, so when he decided to switch publishers, they were on the top of the list.

Revel didn't give away any spoilers, but we did learn that Vol.2 won't be out until April 2012, which means you have plenty of time to get Vol. 1. While I don't really want to wait a year to find out what happens to Clayton, Revel did say this is better as a graphic novel than a single issue series. I guess I will just have to be patient. 

 If you are in the area, come join us next month when the Midtown Book Club will be discussing Madame Xanadu with artist Amy Reeder Hadley.

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on TwitterFacebook and Tumblr!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday Links for March 27th

Welcome to the evening edition of Sunday Links. This past week brought some fun and exciting news.

Marvel announced a new team-up this week....with Starbucks. Coming in April to each Starbucks is free streaming access to Marvel's Digital Comics. Do you think they are ready for the geek invasion?

The Egypt revolution changed the world, and now we will get to see what exactly was changed. Magdy El Shafee wrote the graphic novel "Metro" in 2008, but it was banned in Egypt. Now it is going to be published in English and hopefully, it will be allowed to publish again in Egypt.

Jill Pantozzi, aka The Nerdy Bird, announced this week that she will be a judge on the upcoming geek game show, Geek vs. Geek. It's a chance for geeks to put their brains to the test and see who really is the top geek. You can still try out for the show if you think you got what it takes; just be glad that Jill is judging and not competing. ;)

I'm sure every artist wishes they could go back to their early work and make it better, or at least make it go away. That's what Ryan Ottley did, by actually burning original art from his early years. At least some of the pages were from early issues of Invincible, which means he burned a lot of money.

I am already excited for Superman, and this news just makes it even better. Amy Adams is the new Lois Lane. She is a phenomenal actress in every role I have seen her in, from her guest role on Buffy, to her starring roles in Doubt, Julia & Julie, and The Fighter.

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Review: Thor #620.1

This week there were two Point One issues. I already covered Captain America, so here is my review of Thor. like I said before, it seems like Marvel is trying to bring in new readers who may be trying to get some more background before the movies come out.

This post is SPOILER-FILLED so if you are allergic to spoilers,
go read another tasty article on [insertgeekhere].

Thor 620.1 starts out hysterically at a feast in honor of Thor. Who would have thought that Norse Gods celebrate with pepperoni pizza?! As they wait for Thor to arrive, they start the celebration with the gods praising Thor for protecting earth and then providing Asgard with a home there. They even have received a gift of a perfect stone statue of Thor. Then someone attacks, turning everyone to stone. OMG! Of course, the statue of Thor is the real Thor, and he unfreezes just in time to save everyone by getting turned into stone again, while he is holding what the bad guy wants.

I have a few complaints about Thor's Point One. This issue read like I was reading a kids' issue. The story seemed overly simplified. I know that this character has got to be more than getting turned to stone to save the day. I also wasn't a fan of how the gods spoke, which I get is how it is for this character. The combo of the simple plotline and the simplistic dialogue just wore me down. Even though I didn't care for the story, I did enjoy the artwork. It was the only thing helping the story move along, plus it provided great background for Thor.

Thor 620.1 felt like a one-shot. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it just felt like a step away from the series. However, they did provide a good amount of Thor background, which is what they promised. All in all, this was a good Point One issue for the younger crowd, but I felt like it was a little dull and simple for me. It also didn't excite me for the film; I was hoping it would. Next week, we get a Point One Break, then its April with two Avenger books and Uncanny X-Men!

My Point One Journey so far:
* Review: Captain America
* Review: Uncanny X-Force
* Review: Hulk
* Review: Deadpool
* Review: The Amazing Spider-Man
* Review:
* Review: The Invincible Iron Man
* My Point One Plan
* The info about the Point One Initiative

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Video Friday! 3/25/11

It's Friday and you know what that means... the weekend is just a few hours away and we have another Video Friday! This week brought all kinds of fun.

I've been a little ambivalent towards the Captain America movie. I've been interested but so many comic movies have gone so wrong. I've been afraid it would happen to Captain America. But having seen this trailer, I've just hopped on the excited train!

So I found out that on 30 Rock, the character, Frank Rossitano destroyed a copy of Avengers Academy #8. Marvel has responded with an open letter featuring Joe Quesada and Tom Brevoort with a very special guest. I think Tom Brevoort's angry face is simply hilarious.

There is a campaign currently underway to get actor extraordinaire Adam West a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Having grown up watching the reruns of the Batman television series, I couldn't agree more. He has an impressive body of work, has been in the industry for a long time and is a cultural icon. Fans from all over submitted videos declaring their support and it was edited together by Papa Llama and hosted by the Action Flick Chick herself, Katrina Hill. It's a great video and includes links for you to show your support.  It's time Adam West got the recognition he deserves.

And finally, a bit of sad news. This week we lost Hollywood icon, Elizabeth Taylor. She was a wonderful actress, a stunning beauty, and a savvy business woman. But perhaps her greatest accomplishments was her contributions to AIDS research and awareness. She gave the disease a public face at a time when people were still in the dark and terrified about it.  She was an incredible woman whose legacy will not be forgotten, though she will be greatly missed.

Normally, if I were to do a tribute to someone, I'd find a compilation of their work, but I've only seen a handful of her movies and I wanted to show something that would reflect who she really was. Many years ago, Elizabeth Taylor did a stint on General Hospital. She was even at Luke and Laura's wedding. Soap opera fans know how big a deal that was. This is a bloopers reel from her time there and I think this captures part of what made her so well loved.

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on TwitterFacebook and Tumblr!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Review: Captain America #615.1

This week there are two Point One issues, Captain America and Thor. Seems to me like Marvel is trying to bring in new readers who may be trying to get some more background before the movies come out.

This post is SPOILER-FILLED so if you are allergic to spoilers,
go read another tasty article on [insertgeekhere].

Captain America #615.1 starts off with a new Captain America, and Steve Rogers ain't happy about it. At the same time, we see Rogers burnt out and missing his glory days. When the new Cap gets captured on his first day by A.I.M., Rogers jumps into action to save him, then tells him to get lost and leave the shield behind. At the close of the issue, we see Nick Fury and Sharon talking about how Fury set up the new Cap to manipulate Rodgers into being Captain America again.

This issue really drew me into the story, even with the gaps in background. Brubaker created a story that touches on the struggles of Steve Rogers not being Captain America. Additionally, with Fury trying manipulate Rogers back to the mask and shield, I can feel where the story is heading, and I am curious to see how they get there.

For a Point One issue, it felt like the start of a new story, even though there wasn't as much background as I would have liked. It also got me invested in the character, which is what will keep me reading. If Marvel wanted me to get excited for the comic and the movie, they succeeded.

My Point One Journey so far:
* Review: Uncanny X-Force
* Review: Hulk
* Review: Deadpool
* Review: The Amazing Spider-Man
* Review: Wolverine
* Review: The Invincible Iron Man
* My Point One Plan
* The info about the Point One Initiative

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Review: Uncanny X-Force #5.1

I'm sorry that the Uncanny X-Force #5.1 review is late but this was the hardest Point One review I have had to write.

The story is the continuation of the current storyline from the first few issues. This is a team of asassians made up of former X-Men characters; some I know and some I don't. In this issue, they appear to be getting revenge on those that attacked them first. There is also a side story of killing a child clone of Apocalypse. Needless to say, this was a very dark issue, in both story and art.

This issue did nothing for me. Didn't invoke any emotions, with the exception of being confused. Unlike the other Point One issues I read, I had no background on this issue. I do feel it may have been better if I knew the entire team. Since I have had very little exposure to mutants outside of the more popular ones, I had to rely on the story to drag me in. It referenced way too much without giving any detail. At the same time, it failed to make me invest in the characters. If the story had spent a little more time on the characters, it may have pulled me in rather than push me away.

This is a hard book to jump into when you just don't have any background. When reading this issue, I did feel like it would better suit a current Marvel reader who had read other X-Men books. The Point One initiative is supposed to reach not just in the dark readers like me but also consistent comic readers who just haven't read a certain title. In the latter, this fulfills their goal. However, since it is so low in the issue count, if you like this issue it won't be hard to catch up.

Coming up this week, we have another Point One double duty of Captain America #615.1 and Thor #620.1. Hopefully I will get even more excited for the movies!! Hopefully....

My Point One Journey so far:
* Review: Hulk
* Review: Deadpool
* Review: The Amazing Spider-Man
* Review: Wolverine
* Review: The Invincible Iron Man
* My Point One Plan
* The info about the Point One Initiative

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wonder Woman: First Look

The first picture of Adrianne Palicki as Wonder Woman has been released and is already causing a lot of debate. Take it in, think about it and then read my thoughts below...

© 2011 NBC/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Photo Credit: Justin Lubin
For the most part, I like it. I think the designers worked hard to blend the iconic look of Wonder Woman with the newer, updated one that's been in the comics, while trying to add a little something for just the show. My biggest issues are that the boots are the wrong color and it's very shiny, but I guess I can live with that. 

There are many interesting discussions about the outfit going on across the web, and one of the comments I came across talked about how it was too "Halloween costume trashy." I love this comment because my original thought was that it would make a decent Halloween costume, but my next thought was "At least it's not as trashy as some of the other super heroine costumes out there." If I was going to go as Wonder Woman, I'd be more inclined to wear this than the other types out there.

I've seen other comments from other articles discussing not just the look of the outfit, but also the actress wearing it. Adrianne Palicki is a wonderful actress. I have enjoyed a lot of her work, but I tend to agree that part of why the outfit is coming across a little "porn star/trashy/Halloween-y/etc." is because she is not statuesque enough to really own it. She is slighter than what one would expect of an Amazon. So it comes down to the physicality and how one carries themselves. If you put a woman like Lucy Lawless or Gina Torres in this, they would own it on an entirely different level. In this photo, I am not seeing the Amazonian power I equate with Wonder Woman. 

What I would love in the next photo released is to see a less forced and uncomfortable picture that allows us to see exactly what the creative team saw in Ms. Palicki that made them say she was the right person to play Wonder Woman.

To learn more about the various fashion changes Wonder Woman has gone through over the years, check out this great article by Alan Kistler, who writes the "Agent of S.T.Y.L.E" column for Newsarama.

What are your thoughts of Wonder Woman's new look? Comment below

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Links for March 20

This week brought a lot of great announcements with C2E2 just starting! None of the IGH team could make it, and it looks like we are missing something amazing!

Best news I heard all week? Sailor Moon is coming back to the US, in brand new graphic novels! I was a big fan of the show and can't wait to start reading all new stories.

Den of Geek wrote an fantastic article about whether belated sequels are better than franchise reboots. I have to admit, I am a little excited for Scream 4 but terrified that it will disappoint me.

Warren Ellis, in his effortless entertainment for me, has challenged fans to redesign the cover of Fantastic Four #1, without knowing any details of the comic. Check out some of the great covers that people came up with over at Comics Alliance. After seeing these, I have two questions: What is Roargasm's power and where is my Horde Granny one-shot?!

Kotaku has an article about the abuse that women gamers receive. I wish I could say that this is the first time I have read an article about this, but sadly it's not. In the article, they highlight a website called Fat, Ugly or Slutty, which compiles all of the inappropriate comments that gamers get sent. Some of them are funny, some are stupid, and some just are lewd. Not surprisingly, all of them seem to have spelling errors. Please be safe out there, and if you receive anything threatening in-game, please report that player immediately.

The CBLDF issued an advisory this week about the legal dangers of crossing international borders. Apparently, US Border Control can and will check and seize anything without cause, just because it might be illegal. Because of this, many adult comics have been the cause of problems.

On my want list are these K'Nex Mario Kart toys! I'm a big fan of Mario Kart, despite the fact that Getsuyobi beats me every time. I finally have a way to get back at the Goombas that ruined my chances at winning! I'm a little sad but I will have my revenge!

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Video Friday: St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day was yesterday, and I don't know about you but I'm still feeling a little green. No, I'm not sick from alcohol poisoning. I'm just feeling the spirit of the holiday. So we're going to celebrate with St. Patrick's Day inspired videos.

You can never go wrong with dancing monkeys!

A most touching and heartwarming rendition of Danny Boy

And now I leave you with one of my new favorite videos from the gang at CollegeHumor. Absolutely brilliant.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Review: Hulk #30.1

This week we are treated with two Point One titles, Hulk and Uncanny X-Force. My Uncanny X-Force review will be out soon, but here is how I feel about Hulk.

Hulk #30.1 actually follows the Red Hulk, Former General Thunderbolt Ross. Right off the bat, we learn that Ross had a few issues with the Hulk and misused his power in an effort to destroy him. He faked his own death and ended up storming the White House. But now he is a good guy, working for Steve Rodgers and Bruce Banner, the Original Hulk. His crazy monster hating apparently spread to an officer that replaced him when he "died." Now he is being hunted just like he hunted Banner, by his friend, General Reggie Fortean, who doesn't know that his old friend is who he is trying to kill.

The Hulk Point One issue provided a great background for the Red Hulk character, while starting a new story. Ross is a compelling character that truly seems torn about what he has done in the past and what he is today. Not to mention, he has got a little attitude, which I love. However, wasn't this supposed to be about the Hulk? Bruce Banner never makes an appearance. I feel like I did for Amazing Spider-Man, they promised me one thing and gave me another. Marvel bait and switch! I know that this is supposed to bring in new readers and introduce them to characters but let's be honest for a second. These new readers have to want to read comics, so they already have some geek background and probably know something about these characters.

Yes, I know that Red Hulk is on the cover like Venom was on the cover of ASM. However, as a potential new fan, I have the right to expect the title character to be in their own introduction story. If I wanted to be introduced to Red Hulk, I would buy a Red Hulk book!

As a introduction to a character, this was a good story. It was ruined for me by the fact that I feel like Marvel is using the classics to sell me the second string cast.

My Point One Journey so far:
* Review: Deadpool
* Review: The Amazing Spider-Man
* Review: Wolverine
* Review: The Invincible Iron Man
* My Point One Plan
* The info about the Point One Initiative

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Comics & Art Community Stand Up for Japan

By Rob Dobi

As Japan deals with the aftermath of the devastating earthquake, tsunami, and now the threat of a nuclear meltdown, individuals, organizations, and charities have been mobilizing all over the world to help get relief to the people whose lives have been turned upside down by this tragedy. Given what a strong influence the Japanese art and comics industries has been on the world, artists from the communities have been creating beautiful pieces and events to show their support and help get aid to Japan. I came across this great article for the Comics Alliance about this. They will be constantly updating the article as more creators get involved. Here are a few of the amazing works available. Check out the Comics Alliance article for more information about purchasing any of the pieces.

By Linda Yuki Nakanishi

 By Anthony Brian Villafuerte RN aka zerobriant

By Aoiro Studio

Without Japan, we wouldn't have Nintendo, anime, Godzilla, Ken Watanabe, sushi or so many other awesome contributions. Anything you can do to help, no matter how small, will make a difference. And in this case, you would be getting phenomenal art. Do what you can.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Links for March 13

This past week was filled with sadness as the worst earthquake in their recorded history hit Japan, resulting in a Tsunami felt throughout the entire Pacific. For more information about how you can help, here's a great article by the Huffington Post. If you are still trying to locate someone, Google released a people finder tool to help. Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected.

Free Comic Day is fast approaching, and I can say that I am excited. Not just for the free books but because I never know what I will find. Bleeding Cool has previews for all 33 fcbd books for this year.

Stan Lee is cracking up geeks everywhere this week by finally answering the age old question from Mallrats, "What is the Thing's dork made of?" The answer is what we all expected.

If you are a big Scott Pilgrim fan, you will be happy to learn that there are four unreleased songs from the movie. They are from Beck, who did all of the songs for Sex Bob-omb.

Over at Geek to Me, they have a guest editorial from Sean “Blazek” Emes, who makes a very good argument that competitive gaming should be considered a sport. Having suffered from Wii elbow, I can say that gaming can be very, very physically dangerous.

Next time someone tells you that comics are pointless, idiotic reading for kids, make sure to show them this. For Women's History Month, the Smithsonian has created videos and comics to teach kids and adults about some of science's most influential women.

Pssst... Did you know that we are having a Bonanza? A crazy Autograph Bonanza where we give stuff away? Wanna take part? ;)

And now, just because its funny, I give you Angry Batbirds. You can check out more of them here.

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Are You Ready for an Autograph Bonanza?

If you have been following [insertgeekhere] lately, you may have noticed that we have gone to a lot of events lately. Combine that with my secret stash, and do you know what I have? A BONANZA!

Not just any bonanza, but an autograph bonanza! And I'm not just calling it that because I like the word bonanza. We have a crazy amount of autographed items to give away!

We have in stock:
Supernatural: Origins #6 signed by artist Matthew Dow Smith

American Vampire #12 signed by writer and creator Scott Snyder

Comic Book Comics: All Lawsuit Issue #5 signed by writer Fred Van Lente and artist Ryan Dunlavey

The Fall signed by writers Guillermo Del Toro and Chuck Hogan

And for good measure, a sealed death bag of Fantastic Four #587, which has a chance of being signed by Jonathan Hickman.

Excited yet?!

To win, you gotta follow us at @ighinsider and tweet this or post it on our Facebook page. Do both for double entries!

"Come on down to [insertgeekhere]'s Autograph Bonanza!" 

Contest ends March 26th at midnight EST and is open to US and Canada only.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Video Friday - Geeky Fun!

We interrupt your life to bring you today's Video Friday. So kick back, relax, have a drink, and enjoy.... 

To begin, let's take a look at a clip from the latest Super Sentai show in Japan, known to us here in the States as Power Rangers. I have no idea why it happened but it appears as though every Power Ranger that ever existed was called into battle. This is their fight.

What do you do when you find who you think is the perfect person, only to discover they have one tragic flaw that you cannot look past? This is what Mikey Mason explores in his song, She Don't Like Firefly. (Warning: Major spoiler if you've never seen Serenity, and if you haven't, why not? Go get it as soon as you finish this. GO!)

Now, time for some nerdy mathematical, musical fun. It makes sense, given the close relationship between music and math, that people would create a musical version of Pi. This just happens to be one of the best ones I've seen. A special thanks to Jeff, for sending this my way.

What happens when you're sooooooooo bored and happen to be a marshmallow? I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say this is brought to you by the creative forces behind Charlie the Unicorn. You be the judge.

And now, I return you to your regularly scheduled life. Hope you enjoyed the break.

Like what you just read? Let us know in the comments below and keep up to date by following us on TwitterFacebook and Tumblr!