The big news of the week was the unveiling of Pottermore, the newest addition to the Harry Potter universe. It seems to be an expansion pack to the books, with additional backstory and an interactive element. Even with the small amount of info given in the press release, this still seems like a shaky concept. However, time will tell, so go and sign up for opening day.
(via Bleeding Cool, Pottermore)
We are wishing a Happy 10th Anniversary to American Gods, that released a bigger and better Anniversary edition this week.
(via NerdBastards)
Image Comics announced that they are mimicing DC Comics' rating system due to customer requests. With two large publishers following this system, will more follow?
(via NerdBastards)
Image Comics announced that they are mimicing DC Comics' rating system due to customer requests. With two large publishers following this system, will more follow?
(via Newsarama)
This week, it was announced that David Goyer will be bringing 100 Bullets to the small screen. Showtime has jumped on the graphic novel bandwagon and I am glad they are bringing a comic veteran to work on this project.
(via HyperGeek)
Torchwood: Miracle Day is fast approaching and this time it comes with a fun side story. They are releasing a motion comic to watch along with the show, starring Eliza Dushku. The only downside is that you have to pay to watch and play along, with the entire comic costing $2.99 on iTunes.
(via Geek to Me)
In the awesome column this week, check out this Lego rendition of Rapture from Bioshock. This is a crazy amount of detail, which is just mind-boggling!
(via Geekologie)
Now go and get ready for tonight's True Blood premiere and I will see you next week!