So, in case you don't know, Can't Stop The Serenity is a fan-run event started in 2006. It is a chance for fans to get together and re-watch Serenity, the little movie that could. This event began so fans could thank Joss Whedon for all he has done by raising money for his charity, Equality Now.
Equality Now is an international women's rights advocacy group that was started by a student of Joss’s mother, so he grew up with this cause. EN works towards the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Working with national human rights organizations and individual activists, EN documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support their efforts to stop these human rights abuses. Since 2006, the Browncoats have contributed over $557,000 to the cause and that number just keeps climbing!
As I said, I attended the NYC event this weekend. The Browncoats of NYC are such a great group of people, and I had been looking forward to this for weeks! At each event, the custom is to re-watch Serenity but there is so much more! Plenty of people come in costume, with music, dancing, crazy food, amazing auctions and Jayne hats as far as the eye can see! I was pretty lucky to walk into the music of Ramblin Andy and the See Ya Laters. I said hi to some friends, then I hit the auctions and raffles and my bank account is still crying. Then as we got ready for the movie, we got a surprise video message from the man himself.
So, next year is a biggie. Next year, Equality Now will celebrate its 20th Anniversary and Joss is excited. He sent a video message to every event saying that 2012 is going to make some serious noise and he is leading the charge. While he doesn't give much detail yet, he is excited and it makes me excited. *You can kinda hear this video if you watch the streaming feed of California Browncoats event.
If you are not excited yet, I have no idea what will make a difference. Go find your local event and show your support for this great cause. If you don't have a local event, find your local Browncoats and start one for next year! Just remember, you can make a difference. People, fans just like you and me, built this event and helped change lives. If each of us makes the choice for equality, we can spread it like wildfire.