Monday, February 15, 2016

Toy Fair '16 Star Trek Toys

One of the things I love about Toy Fair is seeing the same licenses interpreted by different companies. In this case, I'm talking about Star Trek. 

First up is Mega Bloks Kubros. The design is 8-bit and you can build all kinds of different pop culture figures. Think of them as buildable Funko POPs! but cooler.

Look, it's Worf!

Captain Picard is about to attack the Alien

Mezco Toyz Being Amazing at Toy Fair 2016!

It has been a crazy amazing time at Toy Fair 2016!  We have seen soooooooo much and honestly, I'm a bit overwhelmed by the amount of amazing!

One of my favorite lines is the One:12 Collective from Mezco Toyz.  Every time they add a new character, it just gets better and better.  We made sure to talk about the future of this line with Pierre from Mezco Toyz.