Wow, has everyone recovered from this past week? As the world changes and history is written right before our eyes, we still had a crazy geek news week to cover.
Big Comic news of the week, Diamond and iVerse are teaming up to sell digital comics in retail, brick-and-mortar comic stores. This sounds like a great and/or horrible idea. The Beat got an exclusive with Diamond's head of digital distribution about how this will work, but iFanboy's Jason Wood still isn't convinced. He raises some great points and I hope Diamond has an ace up their sleeve.
I am sad to report that Activision announced the end of Guitar Hero. *tears This great unit of games just hasn't been pulling in the moolah as of late, and the licensing fees are just crazy. I love Geekologie's coverage of this, and yes, pushing colored buttons does make me feel like a bad ass.
Marvel was all over the press this week. The biggest movie news of the week is the release of 3 Marvel trailers including the Thor, Captain America and X-MEN: First Class trailers. In case you missed it, you should watch them right now. And since this week was crazy Marvel week, they also announced a press conference for Feb. 15 about Moon Knight, their next big thing after their release of the big thing, Fear Itself. I am digging this teaser art for Moon Knight, but can we get through one big event at a time guys? It's hard to keep up with all of this!

There are also plenty of people taking issue with Marvel this week. Ryan at The Weekly Crisis has some good points against Marvel's new plan of killing a major character every quarter to boost sales. Our own WyseFyre also has a bone to pick with Marvel about their PSA comic about suicide.
We put out a call to our geek family this week for supporting The Nerdy Bird's fundraising efforts for the MDA Muscle walk. Go support this great cause right now!
There has been a lot of comic con ticket craziness in the past week, that I am excited to get past. Best con news of the past week? This touching article about TempleCon by Total Fan Girl.
Finally to end our week, a fun mystery from Nerd Approved. Do you see Wolverine or Two Batmans?

If anything comes out that you would like to see highlighted in Sunday Links, email me at insertgeekhere@gmail.com.
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