This idea struck me as odd. Why hasn't Seth Green already hosted SNL? He has been in the industry for years and proven funny time and time again. If he was hosting, I (and many of my friends) would stay home just to watch him!
Fan efforts got Betty White on SNL, why can't we get him hosting too?! We need to encourage Lorne Michaels to make this happen.

Five Reasons Why Seth Green Needs to Host SNL
1 - He is Super Funny
Seth has starred in so many comedic roles, so he won't be a dud host. He is also not afraid of making fun of himself. Through it all, Seth Green just radiates confidence. He even brings more funny with him. Robot Chicken is a skit show in itself. Seth could feature a RC clip starring the SNL cast. Best Host Ever Material? I think so!
2 - Extensive Filmography
Seth has been working since he was a kid, which gives him an extensive background. Since SNL loves to base skits on the host's pasts character, he has a plethora to pick from.
3 - Musical to Boot
Have you heard him rap? No need to get a musical guest!
4 - Rabid Fan Base
Not only will we watch, we will be posting video clips of this for weeks. Free Press!
5 - Past SNL Cast Members Can Vouch for Him
All those Austin Powers movies? If Seth was good enough for Mike Meyers, I'm sure he can make it on SNL.
Stay tuned for more Seth Green fun today here at [insertgeekhere]!
The Facebook group has been created! Join us and help make this happen! Viva La Seth!
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